Love Redefined........

Living for someone whom you never thought of, suddenly entering in your life and brightening your dull life suddenly, changing your life drastically, before you get the notice of that change…is what I understood as love. Don't spend time together but share yourself together…. tell your partner what you are and how you are as a person……clarify him or her that she needs to accept the way you are…love is not a very complex chemical formulae but something which is very close to the practical mechanisms of life…love is not a dream…or a 3 hour movie with a happy(often sad) ending…love is what you need to decipher from your own from the practical experiences. An assimilation of care, understanding, liking each other, trust,……, these are few of the elements of love….and without these, you can't expect even to love……infatuation and lust are definitely stages of love, but please, avoid these terms when you are really in love….!!!