I am fine !!!

Often people tend to ask-"How was the day?"...and you say, smilingly,"Fine!!!"...but was the day really fine??? The maid did not turn up, you need to cook for yourself and hubby dearest, your hubby and children are unmanagable at times,the commute to office is getting delayed,your boss is upset with you and needless to say, often shouts on you...still when your colleague asks of your well-being, you just say, I am fine....
Can't you spare a day when you are able to accept yourself in front of this world the way you actually are? Can't you say, I am not fine? And don't show any pity because I am enjoying the state.........tha state of being 'not fine'?????
Can't you spare a day when you are able to accept yourself in front of this world the way you actually are? Can't you say, I am not fine? And don't show any pity because I am enjoying the state.........tha state of being 'not fine'?????