Back to My Soil

I always wanted to establish myself as a writer and a painter. Writing was (and my passion. I always feel that writing, dancing, painting, etc. is a form of expression...of your inner feelings..your pains..your happiness. While you write,write for yourself. While you draw, draw any damn thing to make yourself happy. While you dance, release yourself and enjoy the moment. Do anything and everything you like to do,not to please others...but 'YOU'. It's been long I have not written a single word in my blog. Why?It's just because I was not in a very sane mental state for a while,and thought what will I write.

However,I am back to my blog and have decided to I found this space can act as the best stress-buster for me. I will write for myself. Of course, I welcome all the readers and fellow bloggers who have helped me with their valuable suggestions to comment on whatever I write and motivate me.


Subhananda Bera said…
welcome back to the world of writing.
hahaha..thanx..I needed it again..4 myself !!!
Unknown said…
I was lucky to get chance a chance to have some interaction with Priyanka. She is very thoughtful and intelligent writer. Only thing she need is little push. She explain thing very well. She analyzes things very well. Also she paints very well. SO I am expecting one of her master stroke in painting in her blog. Reading all the blog I found somehow she was down. Now I request Priyanka to write some influential blog with the current topic also some encouraging blog
@sudipta :thanx sud ! u r the real support !!!
Sudipta said…
got a peek into your colourful imagination...thanks to this platform in the virtual world! I have also read some of your other posts which are equally fascinating.Literary works entral me apart from a myriad things...and I feel writers and painters share a common cord as both of them are committed towards creating(or recreating?) a perfect picture with their hue strokes or by weaving thoughts...great!

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