Leadership: A step further to the way of success

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

_John C. Maxwell

Leading a group is a tough task to do. Not everyone has the inborn quality of leadership. However, one can develop it gradually with the relevant knowledge and experience in the field. A thorough understanding of the needs of a group can be counted as the primary virtue of a leader. Most of the times, the leadership quality is misunderstood by the people. People think leadership quality means subtly dominance, arrogance or class-distinction. The negative notion of leadership, as explained by various people, is developed by the experiences derived by various society structures & cultures. People think that the leaders need not to do anything and a mare order is all they have to do, while enjoying the power & position of the post. However, a true leader has plenty of responsibilities & jobs to be executed.

Leaders are born, not made.

Many leaders in the world’s history were born, as if they knew leading people right from their cradle. Narendranath Dutta had the leadership qualities from his very childhood which made him lead the world with his ideas and Principles as Swami Vivekananda. He was not only a brilliant scholar, but a genius leader who showed the world the path of unity & brotherhood, and a great religious & social reformer of India. The principles & ideas of Swami Vivekananda were deeply influenced by the vast knowledge he had gathered and the obvious intelligence he had. The further guidance of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa helped him to nurture his leadership skills.

Being a leader, one has to sacrifice a lot. Many a times, it can be family, friends, etc. A true leader dedicates himself for the community wellbeing and not his own. However, for few leaders-“Policies are many, principles are few, policies will change, principles never do.”


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