Five minutes to Overcome Depression

Depression is one of the major problems one faces in today’s world. Today most of the people are so busy in his or her profession that he/she can’t spare a little time for himself/herself. This is not a disease, and of course, not something which you can neglect. Often this depression hampers your personal as well as professional life. Often it takes a toll on your health and can cause serious problems. But are there any ways to combat depression? Let’s find out.
Causes of depression
There is no specific cause for depression. One can easily get depressed with any specific reason, many reasons or for no reason at all. Depression can be temporary or long-term. Often many incidents leave a long-term effect in one’s mind and can take him/her to the dark world of depression. Many pills and synthetic drugs fail in this situation. But there are a plenty of causes for depression, which includes-
· A physical change in brains-
Mind has a very complex architecture. As it stores most of the information and controls all the physical activities, often it tends to revolt. Often some chemical balance also can be a major cause for depression. Studies tell that certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, when linked with certain human temperaments, cause depression.
· Hormonal imbalances-
Often few hormonal imbalances within one’s body cause depression. Often the mid-aged men and women tend to acquire depression due to the hormonal imbalances only.
· Genetic mental disorder-
Often the depression is derived from the biological parents through the genes. Though there are no proven specifications till date discovered, but based on researches say that there are few genes or genetic structure, which are responsible for the depression.
· Environmental factors-
Often any incident or accident leaves a long term effect on the person. Often day–to-day activities demand more of you, which tend to cause certain undesirable situations resulting in Depression.
How to identify when you are in depression
There are few signs and symptoms to identify if you are in depression or not. You can easily identify yourself in the state of mental depression when you find the following symptoms growing in you:
Ø You are feeling sad for no reasons at all
Ø You have lost your interest in the day-to-day activities
Ø You are feeling hopeless. Sometimes to a level that you think of committing suicide.
Ø You are spending several sleepless nights
Ø You feel like crying for no particular reason.
Ø You can’t decide anything and feel yourself worthless
Ø You are feeling restless, are unable to focus on anything in particular and can’t concentrate on anything
Ø You are loosing or gaining weight
Ø You are feeling badly irritated
Ø You get easily annoyed and sometimes start shouting on anybody
Ø You are loosing your interest in sex
Ø You loss appetite, are fatigued and are comparatively weaker than before
Ø You are acquiring some unexplained physical problems like feeling stressed, backache or headaches
Yet the depression symptoms vary from each other as different people can have different symptoms. Some people have general depressions regarding any recent problem, but some can develop severe symptoms of depression.
Spend five minutes to cure depression
Then what is the cure of this depression? There are several therapies, medicines, pills etc. But spending five minutes a day can easily cure the problem. Spend find minutes each day for practicing meditation and try to keep yourself happy to the level possible. Keeping yourself happy and practicing will cost you nothing, but can help you overcome the problem called depression.