Guidelines to get a fresh Morning everyday

There is an old saying “Morning shows the day”. If your morning is well, your day also goes well. But how can you make your mornings better? Let us find out.

•Have a good sleep

To get a good morning, you must ensure you get a sound sleep. Generally, 7-8 hours sleep everyday is enough to refresh you. But often stress or tiredness causes sleeplessness. In that case, take a cup of warm milk after a light dinner and follow a light exercise. Try to go to the bed early. If you are going to bed early, you can easily wakeup early in the morning. Make sure you are sleeping in a clean bed with a clean pillow cover and bed sheet, with dim or soft lights on.

•Wakeup slowly and calmly

Try to wake up as early as possible, so that you can plan the whole day. Make sure you are waking up slowly and calmly because when you are waking up, your mind is in a state of rest. Getting up suddenly hampers your mind and heart. So, try to get up slowly opening your eyes. Do not face too much light suddenly, as it can affect your eyesight. Try to wake up in a soft or low light and in a calm atmosphere.

•Intake fresh air followed by a proper exercise

As you wake up, deeply breathe fresh air in and leave it slowly. This will increase the amount of oxygen in your body. After that, try to get some exercise, like jogging, yoga, etc. Many people prefer to have a walk in the early mornings which keeps them rejuvenated and charged up everyday. Often, some people prefer to have meditation instead of exercise or jogging. If you opt for yoga, you can have a 'combo' effect of both exercise and meditation. But in any case, do exercise.

•Drink plenty of water empty stomach

As you wake up, you can drink a litre or two of water empty stomach. This will help your system to flush out all the toxins in your body and will make you healthy and glowing. Apart from drinking water empty stomach, you should also drink at least drink 5-6 liters of water a day.

•Take a cold shower/bath

After finishing your exercise, you can take a cold shower. That will keep you energized throughout the day. You can also opt for a bubble bath or a stream bath to clean yourself up. Apart from that, you can have a relaxing oil massage before or after your bath. A shower definitely refreshes your senses.

•Have a light breakfast

Keep your breakfast light. Avoid spicy or oily food. Avoid junk food. You can have toast or Idli in your breakfast. There are certain stuff which cause acidity or gastric problems. Therefore, in order to keep yourself healthy the whole day long, you need to have light breakfast. A light and healthy breakfast can keep you charged up. So, make sure you are having a balanced diet with proper calorie and nutrient content.

•Try to be merry and cheerful

Last but not the least way to have a wonderful morning is of course-try to be cheerful. A smile a day will cost you nothing but will provide you an inner satisfaction. Meet everyone and greet everyone with a cheerful smile. This will surely make your mornings better and every day in your life the best.


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