How self motivation helps to improve ourselves

Ways to motivate oneself
There is no magical formula to motivate a person if she does not want to do it. But once she chooses to be motivated, she can overcome any kind of depression or failure. The voice has to come from within. There are few easy ways to be self-motivated. Given below are a few steps that can help you out:
• Keep a positive attitude towards life
Try to stay always positive in anything and everything you do. If you are getting worried on each and every thing you do due to your negative vibes, just give this a try- whenever you find ten reasons why you can’t do it, get hundred reasons immediately in your mind why you can (should) do it. In this way, you can easily combat your negative vibes and can stay positive.
• Be with your inspiration, always
Whatever inspires you, keep them handy. Say, if you feel certain color inspire you, use the particular color in your workplace. There are also certain objects that inspire and motivate you, like a family photograph, a precious gift from someone special, etc. You can also keep them around as a source of inspiration and motivation.
• Get a good company
Good company and good books are rare and precious. Getting a good company of say, your friends, family, colleagues, etc. will keep you in high sprits. Often, when you are depressed, you can get a good advice to overcome it. Often a good company can provide you new and innovative ideas as how to improve your prospects.
• Stop thinking too much
Don’t think always,-“what if I can’t”. If you think too much, chances are there for you to loose what you could achieve today. Thinking about the future and acting accordingly is good. But when you think too much about the future, you tend to loose the focus on what can be achieved today.
• Try to do one good thing a day
Try to do a good thing every day. You can help a needy relative of yours, helping your mother in her household work, saving your pocket-money by cutting the travel expenses and giving it to your dad at the time he needs it, coaching little street children during the holidays, and anything that just satisfies you. This will help you to get motivated.
• Know yourself well
If you know thyself, then you must be aware of your skill sets, abilities and your strong side. But if you never gave it a thought, it is the time to know yourself. Knowing yourself is not only about finding all the good qualities in you, but also to analyze ‘you’ critically.
• Try to do things which inspire you
Do everything that inspires and motivates you. Sing, dance, play or just enjoy life the way you wish. If you wanted to do anything in your life, this is the right time to cherish your dreams. Go and taste all the flavors of life today!!
• Be a self-starter always
Last but not the least, be a self-starter always. If you want to start up a new thing, just don’t waste your time to think the distant results. Plan and do immediately as the idea strikes your mind.