Building your self-confidence

The world is really moving fast. As fast as you can’t afford to blink, have any flaw on your part, which pushes you off from the other competitors. Often, you are too good in your area of strength and excel in that but you fail in an interview just because you are not confident about yourself.

What is Confidence?

Self-confidence is often mistaken for over-confidence. But over-confidence means believing that someone is capable of doing something or everything, with connotations of boasting, when they actually cannot. While self-confidence is defined as having faith in herself. While over-confidence is a negative characteristic, self-confidence is positive. Often confidence is mixed up with self-esteem, which is also a positive aspect, but not similar to confidence.

Then what is confidence? Confidence is actually the state where you are certain about somebody or something. This is a state of the mind in which you faith your capabilities, combat useless fears and feel convinced with your expertise.

Confidence as a psychological quality is related to, but distinct from, self esteem. Confidence may be considered to be made up of a number of components. For example, Confidence Club defines confidence in terms of 5 components : 'social confidence', 'physical presence', 'stage presence', 'status confidence' and 'peer independence'.

Helpful tips to boost up the confidence

Though there are no particular parameters to boost up your confidence but few helpful tips to enhance your confidence.

Ø Identify your capabilities

You know that you have the potential and skill required for a particular work. So, there is nothing to worry. When you have mastered your area, make it your strong point and combat all the unnecessary fears.

Ø Avoid or neglect your negative vibes

Don’t ever try to boost your negative feelings, say, what if I fail? Or, what if I don’t get selected in the exams? If you have given your best shot in the exam or an interview, give yourself hundred reasons why the examiners or the interviewers will select you.

Ø Try to stay calm

While you are waiting for an interview call sitting in the corridors, it is natural that thousands of queries and confusions are creeping out from your mind. It is quite difficult to keep your mind at rest and calm. But in order to get success, you need it.

Ø Do not let anyone to rule on you

Often, in order to confuse you, many of your fellow members will try to frighten and impose something. Simply avoid that if you fear what those fellow interviewees or examinees say, you had made it clear that you are not letting anyone to rule on you.

Ø You know what you do or say is right

If you have mastered your subject matter, make it sure you put your words and phases in such a manner that what you say or what you do is absolutely to the point and correct. It never means that you utter 'bullshit' and expect them to be recognized or appreciated everywhere.

Ø Target on long-term goals

You dream for the big managerial position you like yourself to be at after ten years. In order to fulfill that dream of tomorrow, you need to face the challenges of today. The challenge today is to stand upright and make the most out of the opportunities that are at hand at present.

Ø Don’t lament on your short-term incapability/failure

You gave your best but couldn’t achieve. Fine. One time failure doesn’t mean failure forever. If you failed today, find out the reasons why you failed and trace your areas of improvement. Once you did that, you can easily achieve success the next time.


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