Golden Rules to Success

According to the famous arts person and educator Corita Kent- “Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed”
Since your childhood you cherished a dream, a dream to achieve success. Success is something you can’t measure. You work honestly and efficiently in your office and you get promoted. You now hold a higher position in your office. But you are not at all satisfied with your work profile. If this is what you call success? Of course, this is not the success you wanted. You wanted an environment and the profile that could suit you. You wanted to succeed in whatever you do. You want to succeed in your day to day life, in your professional front, your relationships, social life, and even in the card games you play with your friends. So, let us find out if there are any golden rules to success.
Success is an abstract unquantifiable term. That is, everyone has his/her own definition. You can’t say you are successful unless you feel satisfied. Satisfaction is somehow connected with the success. And when you are satisfied with anything, you feel you have succeeded.
Success in your personal life
How can you define success in your personal life? Say, you are married with the richest and the most handsome man, or you possess a very charming wife with cute children. Can you say you are successful in your personal life? So what you and your spouse never share equal levels of understanding, you guys appear as a perfect couple in any party or within any social gathering! No, this is not, of course, a successful married life. Even if you never appear as a perfect couple in your friends' circle, you can share a good level of understanding with each other and are really having a happy family. In this manner you are successful in your personal life.
Same in case of your friends, close relatives and parents too. You can’t say you are successful in your personal and social life until and unless you are maintaining a congenial relationship and a good level of understanding with them. In simple and straight words, if you are happy with the people around you are having or maintaining a successful relationship with them.
According to Albert Schweitzer- “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
Success in your professional life
There is no fascinating blueprint to achieve success easy in your professional font. As people say, if you can work hard, you can achieve success. But you believe if you can think differently from the others, chances are there for you to achieve success in your professional font. But even if you work hard or think differently from others, you are not on your way achieving success. Even if you are promoted in your office with a good appraisal, you are not feeling contended and from within, you are not feeling the taste of success. So, do you consider it a real success in your professional life? Actually, no. You want that peace of mind and satisfaction in whatever you do. For a student too, success in the real terms could be not achieving more marks but enjoying the career or the course he has chosen.
Scour for success in whatever you do
You need success in each and everything you do, from cracking the worst jokes within your friends circle to prepare a presentation in your office. You want to be known as a successful man. But no man is perfect, so no man in successful in all the fronts. It is quite tough to be jack of all trades and master of many, but of course, not impossible.
If you set and prioritize your goals properly, have an effective plan of action and work honestly following them, you can easily get the success mantra within your hands. Make sure, you listen to your heart and do the right. This will make you contended, and this contentment will make you feel like successful from within.